Reflexões sobre a convergência do pensamento de Paulo Freire e de Edgar Morin: contribuições para a formação docente
Este trabalho de natureza teórica tem como propósito investigar e apresentar detalhadamente algumas das ideias convergentes nas obras: “Pedagogia da Autonomia: Saberes Necessários à Prática Educativa” De Paulo Freire e “Os Sete Saberes Necessários à Educação do Futuro” de Edgar Morin. Ambos os autores percebem o conhecimento como a possibilidade de conhecer que contrasta com a idéia de acúmulo de saberes própria do senso comum. Eles destacam a importância de se considerar a complexa dimensão humana para a compreensão da educação e da sociedade como um todo, destacando o componente emocional. A proposta de estar sempre aberto às novas idéias e revendo as anteriores, para que estas não se tornem objeto da racionalização que gera cegueiras e incompreensões é fundamental. A análise aqui apresentada pode se constituir em subsídio para a promoção de discussões e debates entre professores e profissionais vinculados à educação, que efetivamente possam contribuir para uma reorientação e humanização das práticaseducativas.
Palavras-chave: Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin conhecimento humano, prática reflexiva.
Reflections on the thought convergence of Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin: contributions for teacher’s formation
AbstractThis works aims to find out convergent ideas of Freire and Morin in their works “The Pedagogy of Autonomy: Necessary Knowledge that Leads to Educational Practice”and“Seven complex lections in education for the future”, respectively. Both authors conceive knowledge as the possibility of knowing, conflicting with the idea of knowledge accumulation, characteristic of common sense. They emphasize the importance of considering human complex dimension for the comprehension of education and society as a whole. Also defend the idea of men having an attitude of continuous aperture to new ideas and continuous revision of old ones, valorizing affective and emotional aspects. This continuous process of aperture and revision should avoid that ideas become rationalization objects, fact that generate blindness and incomprehension. The analysis presented here can be a subsidiary element for promoting discussions and debates between teachers and education professionals that could effectively contribute to reorientation and humanization of educational practices.
Key words: Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin, human knowledge, reflective practice.
Palavras-chave: Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin conhecimento humano, prática reflexiva.
Reflections on the thought convergence of Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin: contributions for teacher’s formation
AbstractThis works aims to find out convergent ideas of Freire and Morin in their works “The Pedagogy of Autonomy: Necessary Knowledge that Leads to Educational Practice”and“Seven complex lections in education for the future”, respectively. Both authors conceive knowledge as the possibility of knowing, conflicting with the idea of knowledge accumulation, characteristic of common sense. They emphasize the importance of considering human complex dimension for the comprehension of education and society as a whole. Also defend the idea of men having an attitude of continuous aperture to new ideas and continuous revision of old ones, valorizing affective and emotional aspects. This continuous process of aperture and revision should avoid that ideas become rationalization objects, fact that generate blindness and incomprehension. The analysis presented here can be a subsidiary element for promoting discussions and debates between teachers and education professionals that could effectively contribute to reorientation and humanization of educational practices.
Key words: Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin, human knowledge, reflective practice.