A grafia dos erros de segmentação nãoconvencional de palavras
Neste trabalho, procura-se entender em que medida as segmentações nãoconvencionais de palavra também são resultados de decisões acerca da grafia das palavras. A resposta a essa questão é dada a partir da análise de segmentações não-convencionais de palavras que ocorreram em textos produzidos por alunos que, à época da produção, cursavam a quinta e sexta séries de uma escola pública do Estado de São Paulo. Defende-se que as segmentações não-convencionais fornecem evidências de como, no processo de aquisição da escrita, são elaboradas hipóteses acerca dos limites da palavra escrita, especificamente dos limites dos monossílabos átonos, quando em jogo possíveis escolhas sobre como segmentar o continuum fônico (eixo sintagmático) e possíveis escolhas sobre como representar o segmento por meio de uma letra do alfabeto (eixo paradigmático).
Palavras-chave: segmentação, convenções ortográficas, palavra, oralidade, letramento.
The writing errors of unconventional word segmentation
AbstractThis work aims to understand in which way the unconventional written words segmentation can be also resulted of decisions concerning the writing of words. The replay to this question is given from the analysis of unconventional segmentation of words that occurred in texts produced by students which ones at the time of the production attended the fifth and sixth grade of a public school of São Paulo State. It is argued that unconventional segmentations give evidences of how – during written acquiring process - are elaborated hypotheses concerning the written words boundaries, specifically the unstressed monosyllabic words boundaries, when there are interplays between possibly choices on how to segment the phonic continuum (syntagmatic axis) and possibly choices on how to represent the segment by using a letter from alphabet (paradigmatic axis).
Keywords: segmentation, spelling conventions, word, orality, literacy.
Palavras-chave: segmentação, convenções ortográficas, palavra, oralidade, letramento.
The writing errors of unconventional word segmentation
AbstractThis work aims to understand in which way the unconventional written words segmentation can be also resulted of decisions concerning the writing of words. The replay to this question is given from the analysis of unconventional segmentation of words that occurred in texts produced by students which ones at the time of the production attended the fifth and sixth grade of a public school of São Paulo State. It is argued that unconventional segmentations give evidences of how – during written acquiring process - are elaborated hypotheses concerning the written words boundaries, specifically the unstressed monosyllabic words boundaries, when there are interplays between possibly choices on how to segment the phonic continuum (syntagmatic axis) and possibly choices on how to represent the segment by using a letter from alphabet (paradigmatic axis).
Keywords: segmentation, spelling conventions, word, orality, literacy.