Reformas educacionais e cultura escolar: a apropriação dos dispositivos normativos pelas escolas
O artigo tem como objetivo discutir os processos de apropriação realizados pelas escolas diante de uma reforma educacional. Analisa a reforma curricular do ensino médio e investiga, inicialmente, a composição do discurso oficial tomando como referência as proposições em torno das idéias de interdisciplinaridade e contextualização associadas à proposta de organização curricular por competências. As referências normativas são discutidas no âmbito dos movimentos de apropriação gerados no interior das escolas, considerados um processo de recontextualização, conforme Basil Berstein. A análise evidencia que as escolas reinterpretam, re-significam e atribuem significados próprios aos dispositivos normativos, por vezes distintos das proposições originais.
Palavras-chave: reformas educacionais; cultura escolar; currículo e competências.
Educational reforms and school culture: the appropriation of the normative devices for the schools
AbstractThe aim of this article was to discuss the appropriation processes carried out by the schools facing an education reform. Analyze the curricular reform of the secondary education and it investigates, initially, the composition of the official speech taking like reference the propositions around the ideas of interdisciplinarity and contextuality associated to the proposal of curricular organization for competences. The normative references are discussed in the context of the movements of appropriation produced in the interior of the schools, considered a process of re-contextuality, according to Basil Berstein. The analysis shows what the schools re-interpret re-mean and attribute personal meanings to the prescriptive devices, for times different from the original propositions.
Key-words: Education reforms; School culture; Curriculum and competences
Palavras-chave: reformas educacionais; cultura escolar; currículo e competências.
Educational reforms and school culture: the appropriation of the normative devices for the schools
AbstractThe aim of this article was to discuss the appropriation processes carried out by the schools facing an education reform. Analyze the curricular reform of the secondary education and it investigates, initially, the composition of the official speech taking like reference the propositions around the ideas of interdisciplinarity and contextuality associated to the proposal of curricular organization for competences. The normative references are discussed in the context of the movements of appropriation produced in the interior of the schools, considered a process of re-contextuality, according to Basil Berstein. The analysis shows what the schools re-interpret re-mean and attribute personal meanings to the prescriptive devices, for times different from the original propositions.
Key-words: Education reforms; School culture; Curriculum and competences