Escola: vamos praticar jogos ambientais? Buscando uma pedagogia para valorizar a água, para valorizar a vida
Uma forma de contribuir para a formação de cidadãos comprometidos com a sociedade é trabalhar com o meio ambiente, com a educação e com a história do homem relacionada à água. Nesse encaminhamento, mais do que o estudo dos conceitos ambientais, são necessárias reflexões, atitudes e práticas que levem à execução de ações que conduzam à conscientização, à formação de valores. Estes procedimentos são inter-relacionados: educação; sensibilização; consciência histórico-cultural que estimulem a valorização da vida. O estudo desenvolveu suas atividades nessa linha teórica, com o objetivo geral: “analisar uma realidade social no Município de Joinville – SC, com vistas à criação e aplicação de jogos ambientais para o desenvolvimento do estimulo à conscientização ambiental e histórico patrimonial em crianças, nas escolas, e em jovens e adultos em situações informais, em relação à valorização das águas, com vistas à valorização da vida”. As ações centraram-se na elaboração de jogos ambientais, que foram aplicados na comunidade participante da pesquisa. As crianças frequentavam os 4ºs e 5ºs anos do ensino fundamental. Os jogos ambientais foram elaborados com conteúdos atuais e próximos às crianças, que demonstraram sensibilidade e percepção crítica sobre as intervenções humanas no meio ambiente. Vivenciaram essas questões na comunidade refletindo sobre os seus efeitos no Planeta não apenas no local onde vivem, mas globalmente.
Palavras-chave: jogos ambientais; água e vida; conscientização.
SCHOOL: LET’S PRACTICE ENVIRONMETAL GAMES? Searching for a Pedagogy that value the water and to value the life.
Abstract:One way to contribute to the formation of committed citizenships to the society is working with the environment, with education and the history of man related to water. In this referral, rather than the study of environmental concepts are necessary reflections, attitudes and practices that lead to the action executions that lead to people awareness, and to values formation. These procedures are interrelated: education, awareness, historical and cultural awareness to stimulate the appreciation of life. The study developed its activities in this theoretic line, with the overall objective: "to analyze a social reality in the city of Joinville - SC, aiming to create and implement environmental games to stimulate the development of environmental awareness and historical heritage in children, in schools, and youth and adults in informal situations, in relation to the value of water, aiming to appreciate life."The actions focus on the development of environmental games, which were applied in the survey participant community. The children attended the 4th and 5th grades of elementary school. The environmental games were designed with current content and next to children who demonstrated sensitivity and critical awareness about the human interventions in the environment. They experienced these issues in the community reflecting on its effects on the planet not only where they live, but globally.
Keywords: Environmental games; water and life; awareness.
Palavras-chave: jogos ambientais; água e vida; conscientização.
SCHOOL: LET’S PRACTICE ENVIRONMETAL GAMES? Searching for a Pedagogy that value the water and to value the life.
Abstract:One way to contribute to the formation of committed citizenships to the society is working with the environment, with education and the history of man related to water. In this referral, rather than the study of environmental concepts are necessary reflections, attitudes and practices that lead to the action executions that lead to people awareness, and to values formation. These procedures are interrelated: education, awareness, historical and cultural awareness to stimulate the appreciation of life. The study developed its activities in this theoretic line, with the overall objective: "to analyze a social reality in the city of Joinville - SC, aiming to create and implement environmental games to stimulate the development of environmental awareness and historical heritage in children, in schools, and youth and adults in informal situations, in relation to the value of water, aiming to appreciate life."The actions focus on the development of environmental games, which were applied in the survey participant community. The children attended the 4th and 5th grades of elementary school. The environmental games were designed with current content and next to children who demonstrated sensitivity and critical awareness about the human interventions in the environment. They experienced these issues in the community reflecting on its effects on the planet not only where they live, but globally.
Keywords: Environmental games; water and life; awareness.