O uso das biografias nas pesquisas antropológicas
Este artigo pretende discutir a respeito da autoridade do narrador na escrita biográfica, mais precisamente nos trabalhos que buscam apresentar a trajetória de outro sujeito, que não o próprio escritor. A biografia tem sido objeto de análise de muitos antropólogos, pois nela existe a possibilidade de compreendermos como os indivíduos se reconhecem e se relacionam dentro da sua própria comunidade. No entanto, as narrativas são carregadas pela subjetividade de quem escreve, ou seja, as experiências, desejos e angústias do escritor direcionam a escrita e influenciam a história. É nessa linha de pensamento que busco fazer uma reflexão crítica sobre as biografias que pretendem apresentar a trajetória de um sujeito.
Palavras chave: Narrativa. Biografia. Autoridade etnográfica.
Abstract: This article intends to discuss about the authority of the narrator in biographical writing, more precisely in the works that seek to present the trajectory of another subject, not the writer himself. The biography has been the object of analysis of many anthropologists, since it is possible to understand how individuals recognize and interact themselves inner their community. However, the narratives are stuffed by the subjectivity of the writer, in other words, experiences, desires and anxieties of the writer direct and induce the story. It is this trend of thought that I seek to make a critical reflection on the biography they intend to present of the trajectory of a person.
Keywords: Narrative. Biography. Ethnographic authority.
Palavras chave: Narrativa. Biografia. Autoridade etnográfica.
Abstract: This article intends to discuss about the authority of the narrator in biographical writing, more precisely in the works that seek to present the trajectory of another subject, not the writer himself. The biography has been the object of analysis of many anthropologists, since it is possible to understand how individuals recognize and interact themselves inner their community. However, the narratives are stuffed by the subjectivity of the writer, in other words, experiences, desires and anxieties of the writer direct and induce the story. It is this trend of thought that I seek to make a critical reflection on the biography they intend to present of the trajectory of a person.
Keywords: Narrative. Biography. Ethnographic authority.
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PDFUniversidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel)
Instituto de Filosofia, Sociologia e Política (IFSP)
Rua Coronel Alberto Rosa nº 154
Caixa Postal nº 354, Pelotas / RS, CEP: 96010-770