Decolonizing identities: English for Internationalization in a Brazilian University
In the context of international higher education, the English language can be a burden to scholars and students who do not feel this language belongs to them. When learning English as a foreign language in a country such as Brazil, where I am writing from, such a burden easily becomes a tool of colonization – of mouths and minds. In Brazilian higher education, attempts to use English as a medium of instruction have just started, creating feelings of inadequacy and contributing to construct troubled professional identities. This is the scenario focused on in this text, whose aim is to examine one dimension of an institutional practice established to tackle such feelings and identity constructions from a de-colonized discursive perspective. In order to do this, the text starts by presenting the context in which English becomes a problem, offering a post-structuralist perspective on language as a way to decolonize the identities of Brazilian English-speakers. Then, it focuses on a higher education initiative in Brazil taken at a public university to discuss language issues with Brazilian professors of different areas of knowledge, using English as an International Language as a medium for discussion.
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