A complexidade do imaginário tolerante e procedimentos educativos
Esta comunicação é o resultado preliminar do diálogo tolerante tramado entre um pesquisador e uma outra pesquisadora sobre questões relacionadas com as concepções de racionalidade, ciência, filosofia, ética, tolerância e educação com relação aos acontecimentos locais e globais, entrelaçando complexidade e imaginário. Desse diálogo, surge a necessidade de uma racioafetividade, por incluir nesse conceito os aspectos lógicos aos nossos desejos e interesses.
Palavras-chave: racionalidade, tolerância, complexidade e imaginário.
The complexity of the tolerant imaginary and educational procedures
AbstractThis paper is the preliminary result of the tolerant dialogue between two researchers (a male and a female) on issues related to the conceptions of rationality, science, philosophy, ethics, tolerance, and education; this dialogue interweaves complexity and imaginary regarding local and global events. It triggers the need of ratio-affectivity, since this concept includes the logical aspects of our desires and interests.
Key words: rationality; tolerance; complexity; imaginary.
Palavras-chave: racionalidade, tolerância, complexidade e imaginário.
The complexity of the tolerant imaginary and educational procedures
AbstractThis paper is the preliminary result of the tolerant dialogue between two researchers (a male and a female) on issues related to the conceptions of rationality, science, philosophy, ethics, tolerance, and education; this dialogue interweaves complexity and imaginary regarding local and global events. It triggers the need of ratio-affectivity, since this concept includes the logical aspects of our desires and interests.
Key words: rationality; tolerance; complexity; imaginary.