O arquivo histórico escolar, a Universidade e a escola: diálogos possíveis
Neste trabalho, o objetivo central é discutir como os arquivos escolares podem ser locais ou eixos profícuos para a construção de um diálogo entre a Universidade e a escola, e entre esta e a comunidade. A discussão tem como base iniciativas que estão sendo propostas e desenvolvidas, visando a esta articulação, na Universidade Federal do Paraná: um projeto de pesquisa; a organização e catalogação do arquivo escolar do Colégio Estadual do Paraná; a construção de um banco de dados referente ao arquivo; a organização de um grupo de estudos para discussão sobre possibilidades de uso de documentos do arquivo escolar em aulas e em atividades e projetos da escola; e um curso de extensão sobre o tema. No trabalho, discute-se a literatura utilizada como referencial para estas atividades, e possibilidades e limites de implementação e de articulação desses projetos, em especial no aspecto teórico-metodológico.
Palavras-chave: arquivo histórico escolar; ensino; pesquisa; extensão.
The historical school archive, the university and the school: possible dialogs
AbstractThe main objective of this study is to discuss how school archives may be efficient spaces to construct a dialog between the university and the school, and between the school and the community. This discussion is based on projects which have been proposed and developed at the Universidade Federal do Paraná: a research project; the organization and cataloguing of the school archive that belongs to the Colégio Estadual do Paraná; a database about the archive; the organization of a study group to discuss the possibilities of using the school archive in classes as well as in other activities and in school projects; and an extension course about the topic. In this paper, I also discuss the literature that based these activities, and the possibilities and the limits of implementation and articulation of these projects, mainly its theoretical-methodological issues.
Key-words: historical school archive; teaching; research; extension.
Palavras-chave: arquivo histórico escolar; ensino; pesquisa; extensão.
The historical school archive, the university and the school: possible dialogs
AbstractThe main objective of this study is to discuss how school archives may be efficient spaces to construct a dialog between the university and the school, and between the school and the community. This discussion is based on projects which have been proposed and developed at the Universidade Federal do Paraná: a research project; the organization and cataloguing of the school archive that belongs to the Colégio Estadual do Paraná; a database about the archive; the organization of a study group to discuss the possibilities of using the school archive in classes as well as in other activities and in school projects; and an extension course about the topic. In this paper, I also discuss the literature that based these activities, and the possibilities and the limits of implementation and articulation of these projects, mainly its theoretical-methodological issues.
Key-words: historical school archive; teaching; research; extension.