La de lectura de cuentos en el hogar: matriz de oportunidades de aprendizaje para los niños
En el marco de las líneas de investigación de alfabetización temprana (McLANE & McNAMEE, 1990) y familiar (HANNON & BIRD, 2004), en el presente estudio se analizaron cualitativamente (STRAUSS & CORBIN, 1991) las intervenciones de los adultos y de los niños mayores que interactúan con niños pequeños en situaciones de lectura de cuentos que tuvieron lugar en hogares de población urbano marginada de Buenos Aires y de Córdoba (Argentina), en el marco de un programa de alfabetización familiar. El análisis se focalizó en las situaciones de interacción en tanto matrices de aprendizaje de conocimientos y habilidades relacionados con la alfabetización. Los resultados mostraron que durante las lecturas de cuentos las interacciones de los adultos y de los niños mayores se focalizan en diversos conocimientos y habilidades que promueven la comprensión y la producción de discurso narrativo (realización de inferencias, estructura narrativa -personajes, eventos, relaciones causales, estados internos-, vocabulario, estilo de lenguaje escrito), así como en la escritura como forma de lenguaje.
Palabras clave: alfabetización familiar, alfabetización temprana, lectura de cuentos, interacción
Storybook reading at home: matrix of learning opportunities for children
AbstractIn the framework of early and family literacy research (MCLANE & MCNAMEE, 1990; HANNON & BIRD, 2004), the present study consists of a qualitative analysis (STRAUSS & CORBIN, 1991) of the interventions made by the adults and older children that interact with little children during storybook reading situations that took place in the homes of urban marginalized population of Buenos Aires and Córdoba (Argentina), as a result of the implementation of a family literacy program. The analysis was focused in the interactional situations as a matrix of learning opportunities of literacy skills. The results showed that during the storybook reading situations the interactions were focused in skills that promote the production and comprehension of narrative discourse (making inferences, different aspects of narrative structure -characters, events, causal relations, emotions- vocabulary, written language style), as well as in writing as a form of language.
Key-words: family literacy, early literacy, storybook reading, interaction
Palabras clave: alfabetización familiar, alfabetización temprana, lectura de cuentos, interacción
Storybook reading at home: matrix of learning opportunities for children
AbstractIn the framework of early and family literacy research (MCLANE & MCNAMEE, 1990; HANNON & BIRD, 2004), the present study consists of a qualitative analysis (STRAUSS & CORBIN, 1991) of the interventions made by the adults and older children that interact with little children during storybook reading situations that took place in the homes of urban marginalized population of Buenos Aires and Córdoba (Argentina), as a result of the implementation of a family literacy program. The analysis was focused in the interactional situations as a matrix of learning opportunities of literacy skills. The results showed that during the storybook reading situations the interactions were focused in skills that promote the production and comprehension of narrative discourse (making inferences, different aspects of narrative structure -characters, events, causal relations, emotions- vocabulary, written language style), as well as in writing as a form of language.
Key-words: family literacy, early literacy, storybook reading, interaction