Gláucia Silva


Research on learner perception has shown that foreign language (FL) learners consider formal grammar study quite important (SCHULZ, 1996). However, we know little about perceptions and beliefs of heritage language (HL) learners in what relates to grammar instruction. In a qualitative study on HL instruction at the college level, Schwarzer and Petrón (2005) do include the opinions of their participants on grammar instruction: that formal grammar instruction, as done in FL classes, was not useful for them. In fact, it is now accepted that HL instruction needs to be different from FL instruction (e.g., BEAUDRIE; DUCAR; POTOWSKI, 2014; PARODI, 2008). Nevertheless, most HL learners of Portuguese at the university level take FL classes, even if an HL track is available. Given this scenario, this paper discusses 1) whether HL and FL learners of Portuguese prefer formal or integrated/contextualized grammar instruction, and 2) whether they believe explicit grammar instruction helps their linguistic development in Portuguese. The methodology consisted of a survey among college students matriculated in Portuguese language classes in a U.S. university. Results suggest that HL learners tend to prefer integrated/contextualized grammar instruction, whereas the FL group does not appear to have a clear preference. However, both groups of learners see value in explicit grammar instruction, which does not necessarily contrast with contextualized instruction (ELLIS, 21016). The paper also includes a discussion of pedagogical implications based on the findings presented.

Keywords: Heritage language; foreign language; learners’ views; grammar instruction.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15210/cdl.v0i35.17346

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