Gwendolyn Macewen: versiones de su poesía
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ATWOOD, Margaret. "MacEwen’s Muse". Second Words. Toronto: Anansi, 1982.
_____. Introduction: The Early Years. In: Gwendolyn MacEwen. Volume One. The Early Years. Margaret Atwood; Barry Callaghan (Edit.). Toronto: Exile Editions, 1993, p. VII-XII.
DAVEY, Frank. "Gwendolyn MacEwen: the Secret of Alchemy." Surviving the Paraphrase. Winnipeg: Turnstone, 1983.
GERRY, Thomas M.F. "‘Green Yet Free of Seasons’: Gwendolyn MacEwen and the Mystical Tradition of Canadian Poetry." Studies in Canadian Literature 16:2 (1991): 147-61.
HARDING-RUSELL, Gilliam. "Gwendolyn MacEwen’s ‘The Nine Arcana of the Kings’ as Creative Myth and Paradigm." English Studies in Canada 15:2 (1988): 204-217.
——. "Iconic Mythopoeia in MacEwen’s The T.E. Lawrence Poems." Studies in Canadian Literature 9:1 (1984): 95-107.
MACEWEN, Gwendolyn. The Drunken Clock. Toronto: Aleph Press, 1961
____. The Rising Fire. Toronto: Contact, 1963.
——. A Breakfast for Barbarians. Toronto: Ryerson, 1966.
——. The Shadow-Maker. Toronto: Macmillan, 1969.
——. The Armies of the Moon. Toronto: Macmillan, 1972.
____. Mermaids and Icons: A Greek Sumner. Toronto: Anansi Press, 1978.
____. The T. E. Lawrence Poems. Toronto: Mosaic Press, 1983.
——. Noman’s Land. Toronto: Coach House, 1985.
____. Afterworlds. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1987.
POTVIN, Liza. "Gwendolyn MacEwen and Female Spiritual Desire." Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews 28 (Spring/Summer 1991) 18-39.
SHOSTAK, Dorothy. Open Secrets: Fetishcity in the Poetry of Gwendolyn MacEwen. Dalhousie University, Halifax, 2001. [Tesis doctoral].
STRIMAS, Meaghan. The Selected Gwendolyn MacEwen. Introduction by Rosemary Sullivan. Holstein: Exile Editions, 2007.
SULLIVAN, Rosemary. Shadow Maker: The Life of Gwendolyn MacEwen. Toronto: HarperCollins, 1995.
WARWICK, Ellen D. "To Seek a Single Symmetry." Canadian Literature (1977) 21-34.
WOOD, Brent. “From The Rising Fire to Afterworlds: the Visionary Circle in the Poetry of Gwendolyn MacEwen”. Canadian Poetry 47 (2000): 40-69.
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ISSN eletrônico: 1984-5677
ISSN impresso: 1519-0994