Pressure injury prevention: attitudes and knowledge of nursing students / Prevenção de lesões por pressão: atitudes e conhecimento de estudantes de enfermagem
Objective: the present study aimed to evaluate attitudes and knowledge in the prevention of pressure injury, from a sample of Portuguese Nursing students. Method: a quantitative, cross-sectional study was used. The sampling technique was non-probabilistic and by convenience with 100 students. The “Attitude Towards Pressure Injury” scale and the “Pressure Injury Knowledge Assessment Tool” were applied through an electronic questionnaire. Results: students have, on average, positive attitudes towards the prevention of pressure ulcers (mean 47.8), with a minimum value of 36 and a maximum value of 62. It is noteworthy that only in the obstacles factor are data above the mean value (10.4). Conclusions: the knowledge assessment of nurses and Nursing students allows for the identification of training needs and priorities, supporting the development of new strategies to improve the quality of preventive care for pressure injury.
Direitos autorais 2021 Universidade Federal de Pelotas
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