RESUMO: A tradução técnica, enquanto ator primordial nas sociedades altamente especializadas, faz recurso constante da ciência terminológica, especialmente através de processos neológicos e terminocriativos. No entanto, a neologia e a terminologia têm-se mantido enraizados no her-metismo académico, que poucas orientações providencia àqueles que mais delas precisam, nomeadamente os tradutores, os técnicos e engenheiros, e todos aqueles que quotidianamente necessitam de criar termos novos oriundos dos avanços conceptuais produzidos pela inova-ção tecnológica e industrial. Assim, este artigo apresentará não só noções fundamentais acer-ca de terminologia, mas falará também da prática terminológica, do trabalho do terminólogo, e respetivos procedimentos metodológicos. Abordados serão ainda a extração e pesquisa terminológica, o controlo de qualidade dos resultados e as estratégias relativas aos procedi-mentos neológicos e terminocriativos. O artigo procurará apontar alguns caminhos e formu-lar questões pertinentes que procurem dar resposta às necessidades contemporâneas da socie-dade da informação.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: neologia, termocriatividade e tradução técnica.
ABSTRACT: Technical translation, while a primary actor in highly specialized societies, constantly makes resource of terminological science, especially through neological and terminological creativi-ty processes. However, neology and terminology have remained rooted in hermetic acade-mism that few guidelines provides to those who need them most: Translators, technical per-sonnel and engineers, and all of those who need to creating new terms on a daily basis, terms which are a consequence from the conceptual advances produced by technological and indus-trial innovation. Thus, this article will present not only fundamental concepts about terminol-ogy, as it will also speak of terminological practice, and of the terminologist work, and rele-vant terminology methodological procedures. It will also be addressed terminological extrac-tion and research, quality control of the results and strategies relating to neological and ter-minological creativity procedures. The article will point out a few pathways and formulate relevant questions that seek to respond to contemporary needs of the information society.
KEYWORDS:: neology; creativity, terminology; technical translation
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: neologia, termocriatividade e tradução técnica.
ABSTRACT: Technical translation, while a primary actor in highly specialized societies, constantly makes resource of terminological science, especially through neological and terminological creativi-ty processes. However, neology and terminology have remained rooted in hermetic acade-mism that few guidelines provides to those who need them most: Translators, technical per-sonnel and engineers, and all of those who need to creating new terms on a daily basis, terms which are a consequence from the conceptual advances produced by technological and indus-trial innovation. Thus, this article will present not only fundamental concepts about terminol-ogy, as it will also speak of terminological practice, and of the terminologist work, and rele-vant terminology methodological procedures. It will also be addressed terminological extrac-tion and research, quality control of the results and strategies relating to neological and ter-minological creativity procedures. The article will point out a few pathways and formulate relevant questions that seek to respond to contemporary needs of the information society.
KEYWORDS:: neology; creativity, terminology; technical translation
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