Imagens técnicas e produção de memória

Francisco Ramos de Farias


This diagnostic and survey report was made to describe the transformations and the process of human occupation, in prehistoric and historic periods, in the region of Pontal da Barra, city of Pelotas-RS. We sought to evaluate the conditions of preservation of archaeological sites previously identified by archaeological research in order to suggest measures of preservation. Another aim was to record, through interviews with the local people, different opinions about the real state enterprise “Loteamento Pontal da Barra” and a hotel planned to be built at that place. These opinions were collected from the community that would be affected, considering that the enterprises have been taken as what provokes disagreements about its needs and about environmental and heritage damage. With these data, it was aimed to produce an "Environment Cultural Map” with the description of the archaeological and historical material in the study area.

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Direitos autorais 2016 Revista Memória em Rede

Publicação Periódica / Semestral

Memória em Rede, revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Memória Social e Patrimônio Cultural, é avaliada pelo Qualis.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.


Revista Memória em Rede, Pelotas/RS - Brasil - ISSN 2177-4129
Programa de Pós Graduação em Memória Social e Patrimônio Cultural